Monday, April 6, 2015


As I start this journey I must pause, and acknowledge my FATHER.  First off Thanking Him for all that I am at my present state.  The forethought He had of me before I knew what I would become.

His hand has played an intrical part in shaping & molding into the man I am today, with the Love & care that only HE could give.

You see... He adopted me into HIS Family.  He calls me His own.  I did not deserve such an honor, or privilege.  Yet, He tells me that I was worth All He Had.

Everyday, He shares with me.  Makes sure that I have the thing's I need.  Thing's that I mostly take for granted, I've come to realize I have need to pause and give Thanks for

FATHER,  Most High and HOLY,  Hallowed would be thy Name, henceforth, and Forever.

THANK YOU FATHER,  for the LOVE you have shown me.

THANK YOU FATHER , For your GRACE, that gives me guidance to your will.

THANK YOU FATHER, for your MERCY, that is patient with all my shortcomings.

THANK YOU FATHER, for your TRUTH, which has freed me from all the deception.

THANK YOU FATHER  for your WORD, which is faithful, because you keep your PROMISES.

MOST OF ALL,  I THANK YOU FATHER,  for the Price you PAID, when you demonstrated how GREAT your LOVE was for me, and sent Your SON to be a propitiation for me, and gave me the right to cry ABBA FATHER.

Go before me in all that I do, in the MIGHTY name of your SON,  JESUS THE CHRIST.  Amen